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The Professionals
Character Index
Thumbnail Index

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Part 1
Part 2

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The Professionals
Where the Jungle Ends
part 1

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

jungl031 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Bodie
Where: CI5 headquarters
When: Cowley: "Come on."
Size: 103 Kb.
jungl035 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Cowley, Doyle
Where: Cowley's office
When: Listening to radio.
Size: 116 Kb.
jungl038 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Cowley
Where: Cowley's office
When: Listening to radio.
Size: 114 Kb.
jungl044 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Doyle
Where: Cowley's office
When: Cowley: "Well, it's obvious! Get off your great, fat--"
Size: 140 Kb.
jungl047 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Bodie, Doyle
Where: Cowley's office
When: Listening to radio.
Size: 136 Kb.
jungl054 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Bodie, Doyle
Where: Cowley's office
When: radio: "We'll make a warning pass."
Size: 136 Kb.
jungl066 Thumbnail
Who: Betty, Cowley
Where: Cowley's office
When: Betty: "That's all we've got."
Size: 114 Kb.
jungl069 Thumbnail
Who: Betty, Cowley
Where: Cowley's office
When: Betty: "Big, powerful."
Size: 110 Kb.
jungl075 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Doyle, Betty, Bodie
Where: Cowley's office
When: Cowley: "APB of all units."
Size: 138 Kb.
jungl108 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Doyle, Bodie
Where: Cowley's office
When: Doyle: "They left the country."
Size: 136 Kb.
jungl146 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Cowley
Where: Cowley's office
When: Cowley: "Well, nod if you do!"
Size: 130 Kb.
jungl148 Thumbnail
Who: Benny, Cowley, Bodie
Where: CI5 headquarters, interrogation room
When: Cowley: "We're repatriating you, of course, back to your last known address."
Size: 74 Kb.
jungl154 Thumbnail
Who: Benny, Cowley, Bodie, Doyle
Where: CI5 headquarters, interrogation room
When: Benny: "All right. There's not much I can tell you."
Size: 79 Kb.
jungl156 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Bodie
Where: CI5 headquarters, interrogation room
When: Cowley: "Not good enough, Benny."
Size: 65 Kb.
jungl180 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Cowley, Bodie
Where: In car
When: Cowley: "We'll mount a full anti-strike operation."
Size: 119 Kb.
jungl181 Thumbnail
Who: guard, Cowley
Where: Nuclear waste recycling plant
When: Cowley: "You okay?"
Size: 134 Kb.
jungl182 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Cowley, Bodie
Where: In car
When: Cowley: "We are in pursuit. Establish roadblocks."
Size: 96 Kb.
jungl184 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Cowley, Doyle
Where: Country
When: Bodie: "Looks like it's on foot from here on, sir."
Size: 125 Kb.
jungl187 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Bodie, Cowley
Where: Country
When: Cowley following Doyle and Bodie.
Size: 205 Kb.
jungl188 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Bodie, Cowley
Where: Country, at stream.
When: Bodie: "Typical."
Size: 125 Kb.
jungl192 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Bodie, Cowley
Where: Country
When: Bodie: "Why'd he ditch them?"
Size: 114 Kb.
jungl194 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Bodie, Cowley
Where: Country
When: Doyle: "There's a trail back here, heading towards the road."
Size: 135 Kb.
jungl241 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Doyle
Where: Country
When: Doyle: "He's reliving old times, sir."
Size: 133 Kb.
jungl243 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Cowley
Where: Country
When: Cowley: "Bodie can look after himself, if he abides by my teaching."
Size: 131 Kb.

The Professionals is Copyright © Mark 1 Productions