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Blake's 7
Character Index
Thumbnail Index

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Part 1
Part 2
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Blake's 7
part 2

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

gold094 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Keiller, Tarrant
Where: Scorpio flight deck
When: Keiller: "They must be dead as well. Like Avon and the pretty one."
Size: 69 Kb.
gold098 Thumbnail
Who: Keiller, Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Scorpio flight deck
When: Dayna: "We have to find out, you see, for the sake of our friends."
Size: 75 Kb.
gold121 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Avon, Tarrant, Soolin
Where: Scorpio flight deck
When: Staring at Keiller.
Size: 75 Kb.
gold123 Thumbnail
Who: Keiller, Dayna, Avon, Tarrant, Soolin
Where: Scorpio flight deck
When: Keiller: "I swear, I didn't let you down."
Size: 75 Kb.
gold125 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Avon, Tarrant
Where: Scorpio flight deck
When: Keiller: "But they play rough, I do know that."
Size: 76 Kb.
gold132 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Keiller, Tarrant, Soolin
Where: Scorpio flight deck
When: Keiller: "Look, Avon, these people are ruthless."
Size: 71 Kb.
gold140 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Dayna, Tarrant, Keiller
Where: Scorpio flight deck
When: Avon: "Why not?"
Size: 77 Kb.
gold170 Thumbnail
Who: Dayna, Tarrant, doctor
Where: Sickbay, Space Princess
When: Tarrant: "What hope is there, then, doctor?"
Size: 64 Kb.
gold175 Thumbnail
Who: doctor, Avon, Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Space Princess
When: Avon: "Stand back, and raise your hands."
Size: 64 Kb.
gold179 Thumbnail
Who: Tarrant, Dayna, Keiller, Avon
Where: Space Princess
When: Tarrant: "Keiller shot him."
Size: 65 Kb.
gold180 Thumbnail
Who: Soolin, Avon, Keiller, Dayna, Tarrant
Where: Space Princess
When: Keiller: "I told you it would work."
Size: 63 Kb.
gold181 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Dayna, Keiller, Soolin
Where: Docking corridor.
When: During gunbattle.
Size: 54 Kb.
gold184 Thumbnail
Who: Keiller, Soolin, Tarrant, Dayna
Where: Docking corridor.
When: Trundling gold into Scorpio.
Size: 49 Kb.
gold189 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Tarrant, Keiller, Soolin, Dayna, Avon
Where: Scorpio flight deck
When: Vila: "Did you get the gold?"
Size: 68 Kb.
gold190 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Dayna, Avon
Where: Scorpio flight deck
When: Vila: "Try ten."
Size: 69 Kb.
gold193 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Vila, Dayna, Soolin, Keiller.
Where: Scorpio flight deck
When: Dayna: "But that's Federation territory."
Size: 75 Kb.
gold199 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Tarrant, Dayna, Soolin, Avon
Where: Scorpio flight deck
When: Dayna: "Makes you appreciate the teleport, doesn't it?"
Size: 76 Kb.
gold204 Thumbnail
Who: Keiller, Dayna, Avon
Where: Beta Five
When: Watching Servalan's group approach.
Size: 54 Kb.
gold206 Thumbnail
Who: Keiller, Dayna, Avon, Tarrant, Soolin
Where: Beta Five
When: Avon about to move toward the money.
Size: 53 Kb.
gold209 Thumbnail
Who: Keiller, Dayna
Where: Beta Five
When: Dayna: "Quite still, Keiller."
Size: 51 Kb.
gold210 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Keiller, Dayna
Where: Beta Five
When: Avon: "I've been waiting for a chance to kill you, Servalan."
Size: 45 Kb.
gold212 Thumbnail
Who: Keiller, Dayna
Where: Beta Five
When: Dayna: "Servalan!"
Size: 42 Kb.
gold214 Thumbnail
Who: Keiller, Dayna, Avon, Tarrant, Soolin
Where: Beta Five
When: Avon: "Keiller was once on the personal security staff of the President of the Federation; that just had to be you."
Size: 52 Kb.
gold216 Thumbnail
Who: Servalan, Avon, Keiller, Dayna
Where: Beta Five
When: Avon: "I almost did trust Keiller.
Size: 45 Kb.

Blake's 7 is Copyright © BBC Enterprises Ltd