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Blake's 7
Character Index
Thumbnail Index

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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Blake's 7
part 2

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

count079 Thumbnail
Who: Blake, Avon
Where: Control room
When: Blake: "Take him up."
Size: 44 Kb.
count081 Thumbnail
Who: Blake, Avon
Where: Control room
When: Avon: "We have now used up more than half the time we have available."
Size: 63 Kb.
count082 Thumbnail
Who: Grant, Blake
Where: Control room
When: Blake: "We've been hearing about your strikes against the Federation."
Size: 51 Kb.
count084 Thumbnail
Who: Grant, Blake, Avon
Where: Control room
When: Avon: "Hello, Del. It's been a long time."
Size: 52 Kb.
count087 Thumbnail
Who: Blake, Cauder
Where: Control room
When: Blake: "It could just give us the location."
Size: 56 Kb.
count089 Thumbnail
Who: Grant, Cauder, Ralli, Blake
Where: Control room
When: Ralli: "Someone came up behind me and just hit me."
Size: 56 Kb.
count090 Thumbnail
Who: Blake, Selson, Grant
Where: Corridor, Albian defence complex
When: Blake: "He's not long dead."
Size: 42 Kb.
count092 Thumbnail
Who: Blake, Grant
Where: Corridor, Albian defence complex
When: Blake: "He activates the device, starts down the escape tunnel towards the rocket silo."
Size: 43 Kb.
count094 Thumbnail
Who: Blake, Ralli, Cauder
Where: Control room
When: Ralli: "I just got a glimpse as I blacked out."
Size: 50 Kb.
count097 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Blake, Grant
Where: Corridor, Albian defence complex
When: Grant: "She held on because she believed in you."
Size: 58 Kb.
count101 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Cauder, Blake, Vila, Grant
Where: Control room
When: Grant: "I'll come with you."
Size: 53 Kb.
count103 Thumbnail
Who: Avon, Blake
Where: Control room
When: Blake: "If the countdown goes below fifty and that device is still primed, you will be teleported out."
Size: 56 Kb.
count104 Thumbnail
Who: Blake, Grant
Where: Control room
When: Blake: "If anything happens to Avon, I will come looking for you."
Size: 46 Kb.
count105 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Blake
Where: Control room
When: Blake: "Ready?"
Size: 49 Kb.
count108 Thumbnail
Who: Cauder, Blake
Where: Corridor, Albian defence complex
When: Blake: "He's alive, I know it. He's here somewhere."
Size: 50 Kb.
count121 Thumbnail
Who: Blake, Cauder
Where: Control room
When: Blake: "He may try and get in some other way."
Size: 50 Kb.
count143 Thumbnail
Who: Provine, Blake
Where: Corridor, Albian defence complex
When: Blake: "That's one of the men Cauder sent to guard the rocket silo."
Size: 56 Kb.
count145 Thumbnail
Who: Provine, Blake
Where: Launch pad, Albian defence complex
When: Struggling.
Size: 46 Kb.
count147 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Blake
Where: Corridor, Albian defence complex
When: Vila: "That's Provine. We found his picture on his service record."
Size: 56 Kb.
count148 Thumbnail
Who: Provine, Vila, Blake
Where: Corridor, Albian defence complex
When: Blake: "The computer complex, Control -- where have the Federation moved it to?"
Size: 51 Kb.
count151 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Blake
Where: Corridor, Albian defence complex
When: Blake: "See you in hell."
Size: 53 Kb.
count159 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Blake, Cauder, Ralli
Where: Control room
When: Blake: "They must have taken their bracelets off."
Size: 65 Kb.
count162 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Blake, Cauder
Where: Control room
When: Cauder: "Blake, go, leave us!"
Size: 63 Kb.
count170 Thumbnail
Who: Vila, Cally, Jenna, Blake, Grant
Where: Liberator teleport room
When: Vila: "Oh, will you?"
Size: 61 Kb.

Blake's 7 is Copyright © BBC Enterprises Ltd