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The Professionals
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The Professionals
Cowley, Doyle
Private Madness, Public Danger

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

privt121 Thumbnail
Who: Sutton, Doyle, Cowley
Where: Interrogation room
When: Sutton: "I've been worked over by experts before
Size: 113 Kb.
privt134 Thumbnail
Who: Sutton, Cowley, Doyle
Where: Interrogation room
When: Cowley: "But the British are nothing if not adaptable. We learn barbarism very quickly."
Size: 122 Kb.
privt135 Thumbnail
Who: Sutton, Doyle, Cowley
Where: Interrogation room
When: Cowley: "Was the road ahead mined?"
Size: 122 Kb.
privt140 Thumbnail
Who: Sutton, Doyle, Cowley
Where: Interrogation room
When: Cowley: "Do you have any doubt at all that I intend doing what I say?"
Size: 109 Kb.
privt148 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Bodie, Cowley
Where: Outside Nesbitt's home
When: Ringing bell.
Size: 153 Kb.
privt160 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Bodie, Doyle
Where: Nesbitt's home
When: Bodie: "We've got an hour and a half, then."
Size: 147 Kb.
privt168 Thumbnail
Who: Biggs, Bodie, Cowley, Doyle
Where: Reservoir
When: Cowley: "A long shot, and the wrong shot."
Size: 150 Kb.
privt169 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle, Cowley
Where: Reservoir
When: Doyle: "Balloon doesn't go up until 5:30, sir."
Size: 143 Kb.
privt187 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle, Cowley
Where: Reservoir
When: Doyle: "Must be linked to something under the water."
Size: 165 Kb.
privt190 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Doyle, Bodie
Where: Reservoir
When: Bodie: "I'm betting it's a delayed fuse."
Size: 185 Kb.
privt194 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Doyle, Nesbitt, Bodie
Where: Reservoir
When: Cowley: "Bodie! Doyle!"
Size: 154 Kb.
privt210 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Bodie, Doyle
Where: Reservoir
When: Cowley: "Well done."
Size: 153 Kb.

The Professionals is Copyright © Mark 1 Productions