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Part 1
Part 2

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The Professionals
Killer with a Long Arm
part 2

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

lgarm179 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Doyle
Where: In car
When: Cowley: "Sandwiches for a couple of days. Yes, I think they're still in the area, somewhere."
Size: 115 Kb.
lgarm180 Thumbnail
Who: Doyle, Cowley, Bodie
Where: In car
When: Bodie: "Now, that is the centre court."
Size: 83 Kb.
lgarm187 Thumbnail
Who: Cowley, Doyle, Bodie
Where: Outside block of flats
When: Doyle: "There's a white Range Rover back there. I think it's theirs; we found that in it."
Size: 136 Kb.
lgarm224 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Doyle, Cowley
Where: Cowley's office
When: Cowley: "As a matter of fact, we don't really have to run an in-depth on this."
Size: 117 Kb.
lgarm228 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Cowley, Doyle
Where: Cowley's office
When: Cowley: "I should put you both on a reprimand report."
Size: 129 Kb.
lgarm229 Thumbnail
Who: Bodie, Cowley, Doyle
Where: Cowley's office
When: Laughing.
Size: 122 Kb.

The Professionals is Copyright © Mark 1 Productions