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The Professionals
Character Index
Thumbnail Index

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The Professionals
Bodie, Doyle
First Night

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

first023 Thumbnail
Where: Festival Hall
When: Doyle: "That's not where you got mine from."
Size: 147 Kb.
first047 Thumbnail
Where: In car
When: Doyle: "You find this job interferes with your social life?"
Size: 112 Kb.
first048 Thumbnail
Where: In car
When: Bodie: "Get off!"
Size: 109 Kb.
first055 Thumbnail
Where: Field, by helicopter
When: Doyle: "Supports local industry."
Size: 168 Kb.
first057 Thumbnail
Where: Field, by helicopter
When: Bodie: "Looks like two cars."
Size: 117 Kb.
first061 Thumbnail
Where: Outside Minister's office
When: Bodie: "Listen, you got to learn to live with the order of things, right?"
Size: 126 Kb.
first068 Thumbnail
Where: At phone box
When: Bodie: "Cassette?"
Size: 104 Kb.
first080 Thumbnail
Where: Police station
When: Bodie: "They always say that."
Size: 113 Kb.
first130 Thumbnail
Where: Cinema
When: Doyle: "The hero had an operation to take his hand off his hip."
Size: 154 Kb.
first150 Thumbnail
Where: Command post house
When: Bodie: "The old man's gone back to town."
Size: 114 Kb.

The Professionals is Copyright © Mark 1 Productions