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Thumbnail Index

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The Professionals
Bodie, Doyle
The Female Factor

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

femal052 Thumbnail
Where: Doyle's flat
When: Bodie: "So, what happened to the party spirit, then?"
Size: 131 Kb.
femal054 Thumbnail
Where: Doyle's flat
When: Bodie: "And ever so slightly pregnant?"
Size: 115 Kb.
femal059 Thumbnail
Where: Outside flats
When: Bodie: "What about the men who were chasing her?"
Size: 98 Kb.
femal060 Thumbnail
Where: Street
When: Bodie: "You've gone through the motions. Now, just forget it, right?"
Size: 100 Kb.
femal061 Thumbnail
Where: Street
When: Doyle: "I think it was somebody I used to know, Ann Seaford."
Size: 121 Kb.
femal062 Thumbnail
Where: Street
When: Bodie pointing.
Size: 128 Kb.
femal067 Thumbnail
Where: Street
When: Doyle: "Why haven't we found the mink?"
Size: 181 Kb.
femal068 Thumbnail
Where: In car
When: Bodie: "She could have just dropped her coat when she jumped."
Size: 106 Kb.
femal071 Thumbnail
Where: In car
When: Doyle: "See? I was enjoying myself while you were in the army."
Size: 107 Kb.
femal072 Thumbnail
Where: Outside Culver's house
When: Bodie wincing after Doyle kicks in window.
Size: 110 Kb.
femal081 Thumbnail
Where: Culver's house
When: Cowley: "Doyle! Bodie!"
Size: 102 Kb.
femal098 Thumbnail
Where: Cowley's office
When: Doyle: "She was a very nice girl."
Size: 159 Kb.
femal101 Thumbnail
Where: Cowley's office
When: Doyle: "But if it came to something really bad, she was straight as a die."
Size: 150 Kb.
femal124 Thumbnail
Where: In car.
When: Doyle: "We have to find a pimp, right?"
Size: 90 Kb.
femal138 Thumbnail
Where: Phone booth
When: Bodie: "Is this absolutely necessary?"
Size: 84 Kb.
femal150 Thumbnail
Where: Outside Joanna's flat
When: Bodie: "How're you gonna play it?"
Size: 123 Kb.
femal219 Thumbnail
Where: Culver's building
When: Chasing after Baker and Terkoff.
Size: 151 Kb.
femal226 Thumbnail
Where: Garage
When: Bodie shooting at Terkoff.
Size: 107 Kb.
femal228 Thumbnail
Where: Garage
When: Bodie: "Ray? You all right?"
Size: 109 Kb.
femal243 Thumbnail
Where: Graveyard
When: Bodie: "Be a big plus with the girls, that, you know."
Size: 120 Kb.

The Professionals is Copyright © Mark 1 Productions