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The Professionals
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Thumbnail Index

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The Professionals
Cowley, Doyle
Dead Reckoning

The following are the captured images, with descriptive information. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the episode. All images are JPEG files.

deadr006 Thumbnail
Where: In car
When: Doyle: "Stefan Batak."
Size: 34 Kb.
deadr139 Thumbnail
Where: Office
When: Cowley: "You mentioned the Hampstead place."
Size: 33 Kb.
deadr140 Thumbnail
Where: Office
When: Doyle: "See if this rings a bell: King's Lodge."
Size: 40 Kb.
deadr142 Thumbnail
Where: Office
When: Cowley: "That's a lot of running around."
Size: 40 Kb.
deadr147 Thumbnail
Where: Office
When: Doyle: "Does the bald one mean anything to you?"
Size: 33 Kb.
deadr150 Thumbnail
Where: Office
When: Cowley: "Top priority photo identification."
Size: 31 Kb.
deadr159 Thumbnail
Where: Office
When: Cowley: "I never saw why the Bulgarians wanted to give up Stefan Batak, the real one."
Size: 30 Kb.
deadr161 Thumbnail
Where: In car
When: Cowley: "And the daughter is replaced as well."
Size: 37 Kb.
deadr165 Thumbnail
Where: Street
When: Looking at house.
Size: 46 Kb.
deadr176 Thumbnail
Where: In car
When: Cowley: "When Bodie picked him up at the border he was already as good as dead; she didn't kill him."
Size: 33 Kb.

The Professionals is Copyright © Mark 1 Productions